Marsassoum School

  • firm:

    Antu Design Group (Design Competition)

  • location:

    Marsassoum, Senegal

  • Budget:


  • Size:


  • phases:

    Concept | SD

  • program:

    Rebuilding of a school on an existing plot | 7 classrooms | Cafeteria | Kitchen | Corral | Vegetable garden | Latrines | Play Area | Offices.

  • Concept:

    When we feel safe and comfortable, we are calm. When we are calm, we are our most creative, curious and open. The new Sambou Toura Drame School in Marsassoum Senegal is designed to create a sanctuary for not only the students, but the community as a whole. It celebrates the Senegalese culture of gathering, hospitality and the tradition of sharing knowledge between generations under a beloved tree. The form and layout literally embraces all who walk into the courtyard by wrapping around the existing Moraceae Tree. The dramatic roof invites all who pass by by bowing down toward the main road and lifting up toward the school’s entrance. The roof shades students from the harsh afternoon sun, permits adequate cross-ventilation and directs rainwater toward the bio-remediation gardens. The materials are simple to construct and challenge common forms of local construction currently used. The design proposes the use of bamboo fastening techniques for the roof’s structure and bamboo shingles for the roofing top layer. This presents the opportunity for the adoption of new skills. Metal roofing was avoided due to the internal noise created when it is raining.